Talkin That Shit

64 squares ain’t nuttin to fuck wit!
April 24, 2008, 12:04 am
Filed under: Geek | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

3D Chess

I used to really love chess. As a matter of fact I used to be great at it. I’ve only lost to my father as he taught me to play, and even he couldn’t keep up with me when I really got good at it.

Then it became one of those many things that I just got bored with. It’s not fun when you always win. After that it’s just me feeding my gluttonous ego. And, I never really cared enough to seek out better opponents. In NC we didn’t have parks full of old men and hooded-out Bobby Fischers thinkin they can whoop my ass. So I just stopped playing. Went YEARS without playing and now… I can’t seem to beat the damned computer on my MacBook (and I refuse to set it to easy). It’s like that time I forgot how to **** * *****.


But now… Something has peaked my interest. Something like Wu Chess. I finally have a reason and a way to brush up on my black & whites.

Liquid Swords

The RZA started a new website for online chess. Live matches, lessons, tournaments, and exhibitions. I’m cool enough to admit how geeky that shit is. Oh and as a bonus they even say they plan on donating a large part of revenue to the Hip-Hop Chess Federation to fund scholarships. I pre-registered and everything.

The question is, if you become my competition, how will you fare?

More info: