Talkin That Shit

ron paul rEVOLution
June 5, 2008, 11:21 pm
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on CNN American Morning

Revolution March

Where: Washington, D.C.
When: July 12th, 2008
WhyL To let the voice of freedom be heard!
March Start LocationL North East Lawn, Washington Monument.
March Route: Constitution Avenue.
Rally Location: West Side of Capitol Hill.
Keynote Speaker: Ron Paul!

Our goal is to organize a peaceful, non-violent march on the streets of Washington DC followed by a rally in support of R3VOlUTION that is happening in America.

By involving as many volunteers and participants as we can, we intend to spread the know-how of mass mobilization and direct-action to the movement. As a law-upholding movement, it’s our responsibility to use these Constitutional tools wisely and effectively.

By inviting people outside the conservative or republican camps, we hope to extend the R3VOlUTION to all people of all backgrounds.

Remember, when we say “revolution”, we say it with LOVE!

Black Reign
May 30, 2008, 10:28 pm
Filed under: Comics | Tags: , , , , , ,

Fight the Future.

Black Reign

Spider-Man: Reign is a four-issue comic book limited series featuring Spider-Man, written and illustrated by Kaare Andrews and published by Marvel Comics. Set 35 years into Spider-Man’s future, it features a retired Spider-Man who returns to combat the injustices of a vastly different New York City.

The series has been compared to Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, a comparison which Marvel has also quoted when promoting Reign. As well as the thematic similarities between the two stories, both of which revisit aged heroes after the end of their careers, The Dark Knight Returns is also acknowledged within the pages of Reign by the inclusion of a character named Miller Janson (the name reflects Dark Knight Returns creators Frank Miller and Klaus Janson).

Spider-Man: Reign

This is where you can get the reader:


Curtis Mayfield- New World Order

Quit bein simple and get a bank account.
May 21, 2008, 8:49 pm
Filed under: STFU & Listen. | Tags: , , , ,



Rick Ross- Maybach Music feat. Jay-Z

Who decides on who lives and who dies?
May 20, 2008, 9:54 am
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The World Bank does:

World Bank Says No Aid to Burma

20 May 2008
Family displaced by cyclone moves to find shelter in Shwepoughkan township, 20 May 2008
Family displaced by cyclone moves to find shelter in Shwepoughkan township, 20 May 2008

The World Bank says it will not provide aid or loans to Burma in the wake of a deadly cyclone.

The bank said Tuesday that new loans are impossible because the military government has made no payments on outstanding debts since 1998, and has failed to enact economic and other reforms.

Next week the United Nations and ASEAN will host a joint conference in Rangoon to seek international support and financial aid for those affected by Cyclone Nargis.

The meeting also will focus on longer-term recovery efforts. Burmese officials say losses from the storm could be up to $10 billion.

Burmese officials say the death toll from Nargis is nearly 78,000, and that nearly 56,000 more people are missing.

Burma began a three-day mourning period today. Flags are to be at half-staff for the mourning period, which was announced by state media Monday.

Also Monday, Burma agreed to let its Southeast Asian neighbors oversee an international effort to bring foreign medical teams and aid to areas hard-hit by the storm. That breakthrough came during an emergency meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Singapore.

Singapore’s Foreign Minister George Yeo said that while Burma has agreed to accept nearly 300 medical personnel from ASEAN countries, it does not mean there will be uncontrolled access.

Burma has been resisting requests to send in foreign aid workers, and international aid officials warn more relief is needed to prevent starvation and disease.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.

Outkast- The Whole World

Who needs the SciFi Channel anymore?

The “real world” is getting nuttier than squirrel shit with every reboot.

I’d like to hear/read your thoughts on this after watching.

Elucid- We Carry On

Pluto In Capricorn or “When the shit hits the fan.”
May 18, 2008, 12:02 pm
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“A large cycle of culture is ending”

Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto will be in Capricorn for everyone on Earth from Jan. 25, 2008 to June 14, 2008, and then from Nov. 26, 2008 to Jan. 21, 2024. The last time it was there was from Nov. 8, 1762 to Dec. 1, 1778 during the American Revolutionary War. Pluto actually entered Capricorn at the end of the French and Indian War (1754-1763) that determined which colonial power would dominate America, and in which the colonists tasted what it was like to be mobilized (albeit in the British cause). At the 1763 Treaty of Paris, all French Territory east of the Mississippi was ceded to the British. The British immediately reserved the land it had just been ceded for exclusive use by Native Americans. Although the purpose of this “Royal Proclamation” was to maintain some control over the 13 colonies’ westward expansion, it was, in fact, the beginning of the end. Shortly thereafter the passage of the British “Intolerable Acts” (the 1764 Sugar Act and the 1765 Stamp and Quartering Acts) led to the forming of the First Continental Congress to consider united resistance.

Governments and the Earth (both represented by Capricorn) will be in upheaval (Pluto) during this period, and much that is outdated and ready to die will fall. Revolution and anarchy will surface more than in the years before, and the people (Pluto ruling the public and the anarchic mob) will be heard with a louder voice. This is a time when governments will have to keep close watch on their thermonuclear devices, also symbolized by Pluto.

Pluto takes 248 years to circle the Sun; that’s how long its “year” is. Pluto therefore stays on average 21 years in a sign, although its orbit is so elliptical that it can reside from 12 years (Scorpio) to 32 years (Taurus) in one sign. Pluto’s effect by sign position is therefore collective, global, or generational, rather than personal. Everyone in a particular generation has Pluto in the same sign, and it therefore effects and characterizes the psyches of entire generations. Each of the outer planets, however, including Pluto, is in a different house every two hours due to the earth’s daily rotation on its axis. Therefore Pluto’s position by house (see “The Houses” section in “You and the Universe”) is very individual.

Out of Africa
May 10, 2008, 10:00 am
Filed under: Geek, STFU & Listen. | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Journey of Man

Genetic markers in our DNA were used to track the path of modern man out of it’s home of Africa to go on to populate the rest of the globe. They began with the oldest living group of people (tribe) on the planet. I could definitely see how this one group (or whichever group they came from) gave birth to such a diverse spectrum of skintones and other physical characteristics.

For more info: National Geographic

Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey- FULL MOVIE

By the way, that Bridgette Nielson lookin chick was weird… and trying too hard to not offend anyone. Twas kinda funny.

Reef the Lost Cauze- Squeeze (Produced by Haji)