Talkin That Shit

I spent so long studying every aspect of the night…
August 28, 2007, 11:36 am
Filed under: Comics | Tags: , , , ,

…learning every possible way to push the limits of the body.

Except one.

Love was never part of the plan.
I never studied…


She sleeps soundlessly beside me.
Her breath butterfly soft.

I slept in a large bed all my life. Not always alone.
It never once felt full.

There is peace in arms.

For the first time since I was eight years old…

I sleep through the night.

~Michael Green
Batman Confidential 8 (DC Comics, Oct. 07)

The cyborg priest began…
August 28, 2007, 11:13 am
Filed under: Comics | Tags: , ,

“Though known to all the world as H.A.R.M. his close friends called him Chuck. Born Charles Sweeney in Cleveland, 1946, he had one childish dream: He wanted to weigh fifteen hundred pounds with ground-to-air bazookas in his shoulders.

That dream came true, but now it’s over. Chuck has been recalled by that eternal quality control, where all one day be tested!

Thou knowest, Gort, our hidden files. Accept the wreckage of thy servant H.A.R.M., that he may be alloyed with thee…

Keep him safe in thy divine encryption systems… that he may be at peace within thy glorious downtime.”

This is from one of my favorite scenes in the new release of “Alan Moore’s Complete WildC.A.T.s”. This collection contains WildC.A.T.s Volume I 21-34 and a short story from issue 50. I had no prior knowledge of the series prior to picking this up and only did so due to being a fan of Moore’s older groundbreaking works such as The Killing Joke, Watchmen, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, V for Vendetta.

Wizard Magazine says:

“What’s not to like? You’ve got Alan Moore writing, some of the most amzing artists in the business, betraal, revelations, reunions, love, sex and a dual-locale storyline that culminates in a huge battle between superheroes and villians. Moore picked up existing characters, added his own, put them through their trials by fire and left everyone changed-for better and worse. Putting a personal stamp on a comic like that seems a rarity in comics these days.”

and dammit I agree.

Who am I fooling?
August 26, 2007, 7:36 pm
Filed under: Comics | Tags: , , ,

Ares, god of war, retired. I’m a fool.

I can’t run away from what I am. I was just lying to myself…

…and poorly.

I’ve always been the god of war, be it as Ares or Aaron.

This is who I am.

It was Zues who took Alex from me… because of what I am.

He thought it would anger me, awaken the god of war.

He was right.

~Michael Avon Oeming
Ares: God of War (Marvel, 2006)